Champion Waymakers - Pastor's Post

I'm thrilled to share my insight on GOD's calling for me and the passion He's placed in my heart.

GOD has placed a passion in my heart for the souls of the next generation. He has blessed my wife and me with 3 grown daughters, 3 Godly sons-in-law, and soon-to-be 13 grandsons! While that's a wonderful and unique blessing, the call to see those boys grow to be Godly men is what GOD has drawn me to. Working with my wife, Lisa, GOD is revealing many important aspects of meeting that call. Our driving goal is to come alongside and equip parents who find it challenging and sometimes overwhelming to raise children with a Godly worldview. GOD is drawing us deeper into this challenge and showing us that we must shed the passive attitude of accepting today's cultural calling card. We must be bold in our vision and particularly embrace our collective passion to see this culture changed for GOD's glory.

Our goal can be met with the following objectives:

  • To provide a support network of like-minded parents and grandparents
  • To pray constantly for GOD to equip these children with foundational Christian values
  • To offer innovative homeschooling curriculum and teaching guides for the parents
  • To introduce creative ideas to teach children the love of learning through critical thinking skills
  • To preach Godly messages and lessons to reinforce GOD's Word and draw our culture back to Him

Please reach out to Lisa and me. We so desperately seek your wisdom, your prayers, your financial support, and your friendship as we engage together in these tasks. Thank you and may GOD bless you.

Tom Robinson
Chairman and Pastor
Champion Waymakers